WBEready - Wastewater based epidemiology The WBEready project with the Institute for Urban Public Health, the University Hospital Frankfurt, RWTH Aaachen, EGLV and FiW aims to broaden the use of wastewater based methods for public health purposes as well as improving said methods. Project aims WBE-Catalogue We will work with clinicians and public health authorities to establish a catalogue of viruses and bacteria to monitor. WBE-Tool Box We will establish a set of in-vitro and in-silico tools for monitoring the organisms in the catalogue in Wastewater using a both PCR and DNA sequencing based approaches. We will design novel primers for both application types. WBE Communications Establish data exchange and communications tools with the public health authorities. Working with our colleagues in the Institute for Urban Public Health we will also attempt to include sampling sites inside the sewer system. Funding Funded by the German Ministry for Health (Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, BMG). We apply a number of in-vitro techniques (qPCR, genomics) and computational as well as modeling approaches to work towards an early warning system for pathogens beyond SARS-CoV-2. The pathogens include Viruses and Bacteria, for Bacteria we aim at antibiotic resistance genes. Team PI: Prof. Dr. Folker Meyer Co-PI: PD. Dr. Dr. Ricarda Schmithausen Co-PI: Dr. Ivana Kraiselburd Sampling site inside the Essen sewer system Data Science | Data Science for Sepsis